
Crystal D. Kjar, ATC

Head Athletic Trainer
Concussion Management Team Facilitator

Rebecca E. Townsend, ATC, CSCS

Asst. Athletic Trainer

Mariah McKillip

Instructional Coordinator

Leann Boerema

Asst. Athletic Director

Sydnie Schmidt

School Nurse

Katelyn Loogman

School Psychologist

London Bercey

Counselor, A-Ca

Tim Ernst

Counselor, Cb-Ge

Amanda Tomes

Counselor, Gf-Ka

Lindsey Augustine

Counselor, Kb-Mi

Britney Falkinburg

Counselor, Mj-Re

Anders Peterson

Counselor, Rf-St

Logan Waite

Counselor, Su-Z

Coaches and Teachers

Because coaches and teachers work collaboratively with team members to provide support to students through the recovery process, they are ed active members of the LSW-CMT.

The LSW-CMT reviews concussion management protocol procedures annually, and any changes or modifications are provided to certified staff through staff development. All new teachers receive concussion education and are familiarized with our protocol procedures during new teacher orientation.

Concussion Management Information link